Let’s say your investments double every 5 years and you put away Rs 1 Lakh when you are 25 and you review it when you are 65… your investment will double 8 times…. Lets see what this means in real terms .. Rs 1 lakh invested when you were 25, it will be 2.56 cr when you are 65.
Yes that is correct and I am not kidding… end of first 5 years (i.e., by the time you are 30) it will be 2 lakhs, by the time you are 35, 2 lakhs will double and become 4, by the time you are 40 it will be 8 lakhs and by the time you are 50 it will be 32 lakhs and by the time you are 60 it will be 1.28 cr and by the time you are 65 it will be 2.56 cr.
If you waited till you were 30 before you started your investment journey, then you will have only 1.28 cr… that is 50% less than you would have if you started at 25…
If you waited till you were 35 before you started your investment journey, then you will have only 64 lakhs … that is 25% of what you would have if you started at 25…
This is not magic, there are 2 key things here how many times you double and how quickly you double your money.
We have more control over how many times we can double (the earlier we start the more times we can double as there is more time) and very little control over how quickly we can double. Riskier investment has a faster rate of doubling but also have a chance of losing money which is as bad as losing time….
Wasting time means fewer doubles in your life … best to remember that each double takes you much further and the last double is the most interesting double as it creates the most wealth…. So the more doubles you have the better off you will be.