Your Questions our Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

We don’t believe in market timing and you may want to consider investing on regular (monthly) basis as this has best chance to generate a decent return.

To invest in stocks will stocks you will need a brokerage account.

You can choose any broker of your choice. Please try and chose a reliable broker whose fees are reasonable. Securities are custodied with CDSL and NSDL, so the broker does not add too much value hence paying a high brokerage may not be warranted.

We don’t guarantee any returns. Our research is a tool to assist you in your decision making, we present you the facts and our view about the security – but the final decision to buy or sell will be yours.

We suggest you invest a portion of your monthly savings that you are ready to put away for long term. As a best practice, you may want to try and invest a percentage of your savings– so that your investment amount goes up with your savings.

We publish a research report which has a few recommendations for the month. You can invest in any proportion you want based on your conviction about the stock after understanding our research report and your investment goals. Best practice would be to invest equally. If you have already invested earlier in the stock based on our research, you can give it a greater weightage. 

We provide a reach to assist your investment decisions, so you are not required to buy all the stocks recommended by us.  Buying and selling securities will be your decisions – our research is only to assist you in making a more informed choice.

Best practice is to invest over a period of time. You can break up the amount and invest over a period (based on the magnitude of the sum as percentage of your net worth).

One should be ok holding a security “forever” as long as it is doing well.

You should sell If the stock price falls below the “stop loss” recommended in the most recent research report. You can also consider selling when our research gives a rationalize/sell recommendation.

It is best to invest in a disciplined manner – but life is uncertain, it is ok to miss a month if one is unable to invest – you can continue from the next month.

It is best practice to start investing money only after getting adequate health insurance, life insurance and building a corpus to act as emergency buffer. These may reduce the need to sell in an emergency. If it is an unavoidable emergency, then you may take a call of selling your portfolio – but if the market happens to be very low when you need to sell then you the amount realized from the sale could be impaired.

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